Part of my PPLN (personal professional learning network) to reading and contributing to Twitter and Plurk. I learn so much from all the teachers there. Tech/teachers are so willing to share their masterpieces of lessons, web pages and ideas. Often they will ask each other to critique something before it goes public including presentations and lesson plans. I find this so unassuming and nonthreatening to ask for advice and critique. What all of that said, here is my adaptation of the ABC's of technology. There are quite a few of these on the web. Below is the PPT version:

And here is the print version I have on GoogleDocs. Now what else can I do with this idea? Use it with whatever you teach, a science or reading vocabulary, math symbols, geography locations, FCS or health terms, sports equipment for PE, word wall, holidays, space science, or a literature study, or book covers from books read by the class. The ideas are limitless, but you must share with your colleagues.

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    cliotech said...

    Terrific Idea! I love the preso!

  1. ... on 10:02 AM  
  2. samccoy said...

    Great Post! The ideas and possible spin-offs ARE limitless. Glad you were able to develop your own technology alphabet chart. I think it is really cool. I am very glad you are part of my PPLN. You are an inspiration.

  3. ... on 10:19 AM  
  4. Martha said...

    I love the preso. Thanks for sharing. My tech poster was done in a fairly low tech way. Love yours.

  5. ... on 11:39 AM  
  6. Edventures said...

    Very nice. Love the visuals and your point about sharing. Seems that came up in one of our Plurk threads. Thinking about trying to adapt this for online learning.

    Thank you for sharing with us!

  7. ... on 11:48 AM  
  8. Edventures said...

    Very nice. Love the visuals and your point about sharing. Seems that came up in one of our Plurk threads. Thinking about trying to adapt this for online learning.

    Thank you for sharing with us!

  9. ... on 11:48 AM