Image via CrunchBase
Along came in June of last year. Steve Dembo from Discovery put out the invitation at NECC to join him there, so I did (plurk= RobinMartin). I felt the same way, even though the discussion was threaded a different way it was hard to get used to, but I tried. It took a longer time to buy in to this concept, but after 8 months, I have built up a great group of online friends and developed a unique PLN (Personal Learning Network) that shares ideas freely. When we meet at a conference such as the recent PETE&C in Hershey, PA it is like a family reunion! There are hugs and a feeling of already knowing the person. The community is open and not a clique.
Moving to the why of blogging. I would regularly send teachers in my school a few links a week for interesting sites they could use in their lessons. By reading other blogs of my PLN, I bookmarked quite a collection of sites and ideas for our teachers so I started blogging with Blogger to share these links with a description to everyone.
Trying to explain these concepts to a novice web2.0 user can cause a headache. But this morning, someone "plurked" about a blogger, Steven Moore, who is a tech aid. His explanation of blogs, plurks and tweets is just the thing I need to give a visual to these tools. Read his post and see if it clears up your head about how these are intertwined.