There are hundreds of places you can visit online with your students. Some of the etrips or virtual field trips have pretrip lesson plans connected to state standards and assessments. Many of these trips are FREE, and some have a small fee for schools. Here is a list of some great places to visit:

  1. eField Trips - science studies, national parks, historical law cases, energy resources and more.
  2. No Buses, Planes or Trains Needed - This is the wiki of Linda Nitsche who has gathered some of the best resources for virtual trips. If you want to see how a good wiki is organized, this is the place!
  3. Take a trip to a virtual museum at this site. There are some good world renoun sites, and some silly museums such as the Cyber Toaster Museum!
  4. Would you like your students to visit a museum in Spain, France or another country, then try this Virtual Library of Mueums.
  5. Visiting historical sites can be fun if the information is complete. This site, Virtual Field Trips and Web Museums, has links to Plimouth Plantation, Old Sturbridge Village, and some art museums.
  6. Your class can take part in online discussions, activities and projects with Ball State virtual field trips. They are FREE and have great curriculum connections. The nice part about these trips, is that they archive the information, so you can access them at a later date.

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    Linda Nitsche said...

    Thank you for the link to my wiki. It is great to know that the message is furthering its travels. Did you see the Kennedy Center Performing Arts Series efield trip with Jon Sczieska today? What an inspiration for kids!

  1. ... on 10:06 PM