After 5 days of intensive learning and thinking, I need to debrief. As I have followed many "tweets" about NECC, I have bookmarked or diigoed many new things to process. Many people have said before how fun it was to meet people in person you have followed or met on Ning, Twitter, or any other network. "It was like a class reunion," someone said.
So far I only have 32 bookmarks on my new diigo account, but have not finished including all the paperwork I picked up at the poster sessions. I expect that number to rise a great deal.
I loved the format of Edubloggercon, DEN day at the ranch, the NECC Unplugged, Classroom2.0 OpenSource sessions, Blogger Cafe, the poster sessions, and oh yea the formal concurrent sessions.
I learned that the technologies to watch include the use of Moodle, GoogleEarth and the use of cell phones for school projects. These sessions were full and often closed up to 45 minutes before the sessions were scheduled to begin.
If you want to follow the post conference conversation log in to these sites:

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