If you have not experienced EdTech talk Women of Web (WOW) your are missing an opportunity to learn from some great people. Not only are the hosts informative about technology in education, but they have guests that are very interesting and stretch your idea of what should be happening in today's classrooms.
Directly from the page: "Women of Web 2.0, Show 70, welcomes you to the gaming show. Join us as Sharon, Vicki and Cheryl interview Karl Kapp, Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., CFPIM, CIRM / Assistant Director, Institute for Interactive Technologies / Professor of Instructional Technology / Bloomsburg University. The chat has many great gaming links and developments as the show proceeds." They are listed below:
- http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/
- http://www.gadgetsgamesandgizmos.com/
- http://karlkapp.com/game%20products.html
- Gazillionaire Game: http://www.lavamind.com/gaz.html
- Free meeting place: http://www.dimdim.com/
- Subject specific games: http://schooltimegames.com/
- Skill Builders: http://www.arcademicskillbuilders.com/
- Mystery game in Sydney: PC only: http://www.twilightsoftware.com/
- Create your own: http://www.realmcrafter.com/catalog/information.php?info_id=6
- Create your own game: http://www.clickteam.info/
- Semi-educational games: http://playkidsgames.com/
- Learning Algebra game: http://www.dimenxian.com/
- Gaming software: http://www.immersiveeducation.com/
- Alternate to SecondLife: http://edugrids.org/
- Serious games research: http://www.seriousgamesresearch.com/
- Inner Spaniard: http://3dlanguage.net/cms/
- Geocaching: http://www.geocaching.com/
- Geocaching in Education: http://www.evalamar.com/GPS/index.htm
- The Hexagon Challenge: http://www2.svsd.net/~lions/hexagon/
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