The American Film Institute has a program of training for teachers, through Discovery/United Streaming. But in the mean time, there are some interesting resources for teachers and students at the AFI site. Look around and then fill out the form requesting information to be considered for their training program.

There are several good FREE things for teachers on this site. If you are or know a first year teacher, there is a good survival guide. This site has a lot of free things for other categories as well. The site is Enjoy!

After taking this quiz....well look below...

64%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?

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Not sure where I can get help for this, but you should try it and see if you are in worse shape than I am!

I am not a big YouTube watcher, but once in a while a great one gets sent to me. Here Taylor Mall has a great answer. Keep a pencil handy to get some of this quotes!
Click here for his movie.

After swimming with manatees, we headed South to Fort Myers and to Thomas Edison's home. I felt compelled to make my kids have at least one educational day during our vacation! This was the spot. The estate is located on the Coloosahatchee River and is filled with beautiful trees and flowers. Edison did so much research on botanicals, that a visit here covers many interests. Aside from inventing the light bulb and phonograph, Edison held over 1300 patents. He set a record still held today with a patent a year for 65 years in a row! If you want a great biography for your class to study, he is the man!

One of the most unique moments of my vacation was a visit to Crystal Springs, Florida. It is the only place in the USA where you can actually swim with manatees! This is something my 13 year old daughter has wanted to do.....forever. We found Captian Mike's Tour and for $10 you can ride on the boat and watch, but for $50 you can don a wet suit an snorkel gear and get in. After 3 different stops, we found some manatees that wanted to play. They swam all around us and rolled on their back for us to scratch their belly! If you ever get a chance to do this, jump in.

More Information

Save the Manatee
Manatee-Kid's Planet
Manatee Watchers
Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park
Crystal River Manatee

More links coming next week after July 4th. I am on a family vacation. Found some great manatee sites I will share later.